Today I would like to introduce one of my favorite frenzoo fashion designers: keZ
Shortly after I joined frenzoo I met keZ and right away it was quite obvious she had a lot of talent. All her fashion designs where full of georgeous details and her backgrounds where beautiful little artworks itself! It did not take keZ a long time to become a VIP designer with a beautiful shop collection.

Her shop items are very reconizable, keZ has a consistant style of romantic, natural designs with a futuristic/science fiction influence. Her designs are very much detailed and look very realistic becouse of the use of different patterns, shadows, matarials and textures. Her color use is in the neutral zone combined with here and there a little black or obergine/burgundy. Sometimes a blue or red design to complement her collection.
In addition to her clothing designs she also has a variation of shoes, accessories like skarfs and bags and a georgeous collection of realistic looking makeup and hair to complete your look!